Monday, February 14, 2005

New from FRAC

Updates from the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), a leading national anti-hunger organization and federal level leader for myriad state and local organizations.

1. Upcoming national anti-hunger conference. 'Registration still open! Register today for the 2005 National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference: "Preserving and Improving the Federal Nutrition Safety Net," February 27 - March 1, 2005; Washington, DC.
Go to agenda and online registration.'

2. Analysis of the President's FY2006 budget. 'Food Stamp Cut. The President proposes one specific major proposal to cut food stamps. It would reduce food stamp spending by $500 million over the next five years by cutting from the program approximately 300,000 low-income people in an average month. The impact of the cut would be borne almost exclusively by low-income working families.'

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