Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Help get junk food out of Massachusetts schools

From the Massachusetts Public Health Association:

We're fighting to get junk food out of schools.

October 5 is our bill's public hearing.

It's time to make some noise.

Please Read, Take Action and Forward.

October 5 is the first major milestone for our bill to protect children's health by getting junk food out of schools. That's the day the Joint Committee on Public Health will hold its public hearing on the bill.

The association seeks your help with four actions.

1. Turn people out on October 5th. We need to make a strong showing at the State House - both at the hearing and at a press event we're holding beforehand. Please contact friends, colleagues, family - anyone and everyone - and urge them to join us. Please click here [.pdf] to view a flier announcing the hearing.

Help Our Kids Eat Right!
Press Event and Hearing for An Act to Promote Proper School Nutrition Wednesday, October 5. Press Event - 9:15 am, Beacon Street in front of the State House. Hearing - 10:00 am, Gardner Auditorium, the State House.

2. Contact your legislators - and ask others to do so. Please contact your state representative and senator and urge them to support the bill - and to show their support by testifying at the hearing or submitting written testimony. To determine who your legislators are, visit here. Contact information for legislators can be found here.

3. Recruit endorsers of the bill. We need to build a diverse base of support for the bill. Please help by contacting your local boards of health, churches, school committees, hospitals - whomever you think might be interested. Click here [.pdf] for our fact sheet, which includes an endorsement form, and current list of endorsers [I notice my Dean, Eileen Kennedy, on the list of endorsers -- ed.].

4. Submit a letter to the editor to your local newspaper. Letters to the editor are a great way to spread the word and get legislators to take notice. Please click here [.doc] for a sample letter to the editor. Please let us know if your letter runs!

Thanks for your help!

According to the fact sheet, the Act to Promote Proper School Nutrition (H. 1457), a bill in the Massachusetts legislature, would: (1) Replace sodas with healthier drinks, such as water, low- and non-fat milk, and juice, (2) Set healthy standards for fat and sugar in snacks, (3) Make fresh fruits and vegetables available in cafeterias.

See also the action page from the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

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