Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A different kind of promotion

I've been promoted to associate professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, where I direct the Food Policy and Applied Nutrition Program and teach classes in food policy and statistics or econometrics. The blogosphere had a lot of discussion a couple years ago about whether blogging harms the career prospects of junior faculty. In my case, I think the blog neither helped nor hurt, but I am relieved that it is tolerated and was not held against me at this university. After leading international policy scholar and blogger Daniel Drezner had his "bad day" at the University of Chicago, he was quickly snapped up by a university with a strong ideal of civic engagement: Tufts again.


  1. Democracy 2.0 Declaration –

    On Thursday, October 4th, 2007, 50 youth leaders worked together at the Democracy 2.0 Summit in Washington D.C. The Summit, a national movement instituted by, is a way to bring attention to the ideas that America’s youth has to offer. Democracy 2.0 is designed to address the civic participation needs and interests of the Millennial Generation (targeting the 16-30 age group). has worked for the past year to survey young people about what they feel is an issue in both their own community and on a national level. This consensus among the youth of America has been addressed during the Summit in order to produce the Democracy 2.0 Declaration. This declaration represents what the youth believes is working and is not working in the current democracy of the U.S.

    The declaration serves as a foundation for political candidates to understand what the youth of America feels strongly about. The Declaration will be shared with 435 youth representatives at’s Party for the Presidency, an event in Hollywood, CA that will take place December 29-31.

    Democracy 2.0 was launched to upgrade and renew our political process in America by providing guidelines for positive social change that take advantage of both the tremendous passion of today’s youth leaders and the powerful social networking and technology tools they are using to create communities. is here to listen and help instigate change within the youth of America. You can get involved by going to for more information.

  2. Congrats, Parke! And cheers to Tufts for recognizing how blogging is a growing part of how people communicate -- and for encouraging credible, reliable voices in the blogosphere.
