Sunday, April 20, 2008

U.S. Food Policy TV (episode 3): Interview with Mark Winnne

This week, I spoke with Mark Winne, former director of the Hartford Food System and author of the recent book, Closing the Food Gap: Resetting the Table in the Land of Plenty. The book stands out for its integration of environmental and anti-poverty themes.

Mark speaks plainly about tough lessons learned. He describes the growth of the emergency food system in stark terms. Similarly, he tells of working on a non-profit food cooperative in inner-city Hartford that failed, while later public-private partnerships to recruit for-profit supermarkets thrived. He ends by discussing the growth of food policy councils, including a recent proposal to establish a Massachusetts Food Policy Council.


  1. Thanks for posting this. I have been going through his book and I have found it very insightful. I have recently moved to a different city and would like to get involved with any efforts to truly help limited income families eat better foods. Do you know how I should go about finding if there is a food council or others people who are interested in this?

  2. Here is a nice list of councils from the Community Food Security Coalition:

  3. Thanks! The only one listed in my state is right where I live.
