Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fast Food Facts update

Ken at Fast Food Facts and the Fast Food News blog has updated the format of his online search output, to look like the familiar nutrition facts panel on packaged food. This allows readers to see the information in a format that many have already learned to absorb fairly quickly.

It is wrongly said, sometimes, that consumers know these nutrition facts well already, but simply lack the willpower to act on the information. I always learn new stuff from a good tool like this.

From a search of Burger King sandwiches, ranked from most to least by calories, here is a Whopper with cheese without mayo.

A regular Whopper with cheese has 800 calories, 18g of saturated fat (90% of the daily value), and 1,450 mg of sodium (60% of the daily value).

If you choose the Chicken TenderCrisp Sandwich for better health, you get more calories and much more salt. Did you know that already?

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