Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Award for McDonald's ad

The Association of National Advertisers, Inc., gave an award this week to Mcdonald's for multicultural advertising, for the following commercial. According to Laurel Wentz on the ANA site: "Tony Suarez, McDonald's VP-multicultural marketing, said the spot was done by DDB, Chicago, with input from Hispanic shop Alma DDB, Coral Gables, Fla."

Because the commercial is clearly marketing McDonald's to children, it offers insight into the boundaries of the company's voluntary pledge on the website of the Children's Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative.

Will such pledges materially affect the food marketing environment facing our children? That is the key question during the current trial period of industry self-regulation.


  1. What other "PC" targeted marketing VP's does McD's employ?
    Everyone there must be patting themselves on the back for their fell-good multicultural message, but isn't it really the opposite? What about the kids from those different cultures sharing some of the foods from their families.
    But of course, whether it is the Multicultural or the "healthy choices" in their pledge, what they are really selling to the children is the lifelong habit of defaulting to fast food. The rest is just cover-up for that.
    Responsible parenting is probably the only effective countermeasure. Assuming that the parents can see through the "feel-good" syrup themselves.

  2. This ad is clearly selling a brand, not any of the "healthy" options on McDonald's list. You can't even tell what they're eating. When those kids arrive at McDonald's, what are they going to order? I'm sure McDonald's hopes they order whatever has the biggest profit margin.

  3. p.s. Did you see this today?
    That article discusses study that links number of fast-food ads with childhood obesity.

  4. The irony this add portrays should not be pushed aside, but what is more important, individual health or subconsious cultural awareness?
