Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Robert Kenner's new movie: Food, Inc.

Marion Nestle went to a press screening of Food, Inc., and reported:
It’s a terrific introduction to the way our food system works and to the effects of this system on the health of anyone who eats as well as of farm workers, farm animals, and the planet. It stars Eric Schlosser and Michael Pollan, among others, but I was especially moved by Barbara Kowalcyk, the eloquent and forceful food safety advocate who lost a young son to E. coli O17:H7 some years ago. I can’t wait for the film to come out so everyone can see it. I will use it in classes, not least because it’s such an inspiring call to action.


  1. I added the film to my Netflix queue. Can't wait to see it.

    Have you ever seen the film "Our Daily Bread" by Nikolaus Geyrhalte?

    It's very good. I watched it recently, and about ten minutes into to the doc, I was like holy s*** there is no dialogue. I noted the length, an hour and a half, and I decided, I'll give it a go. Mesmerizing. Parts were a little slow, but it picked up at the end. All done in very good taste.

    Here's an excerpt from a review.

    "Bypassing the human factor, Nikolaus Geyrhalter's provocative documentary offers an intensely clinical look at the machinery of industrial food production. Geyrhalter focuses his lens on high-tech aspects of agriculture, using a rich mix of film techniques to capture machines in action. Humans, animals and crops appear incidentally, with droning conveyor belts, automated crop dusters and other machinery in starring roles."

    It's left to the viewer to distinguish tastes of horror, compassion, and awe at the efficiency involved.

  2. Wow, this sounds great! Where do I get a copy of this movie?

  3. Thank you so much for posting this! I just watched the trailer and cannot wait to see the whole thing. This is why I have a big garden and get beef and chicken from a farmer I know and trust. How fortunate to live in a place where that is possible! It seems the tides are turning on where's the best place to live.

  4. With my slight experience i think that food is tastier as he is less healthy, so how can i really be angry after seeing this movie? :) and remember, after all - Food is Good!
