Monday, January 14, 2013

Sound Medicine: How does farm policy affect the nation's nutrition and health?

I recently spoke with Barbara Lewis at the Indiana NPR program Sound Medicine about the Farm Bill and nutrition.  The program website has full audio.  Here is the abstract from the program.
A large piece of legislation known as the Farm Bill has been stalled on the House floor because of budgetary concerns. The Farm Bill addresses issues such as rising milk prices, nutrition assistance programs for the poor and agriculture subsidies. Without the passage of this legislation, the farming industry has been reverting to outdated policy. Parke Wilde, Ph.D., discusses policy changes that would have a positive impact on the nation and how components of the Farm Bill would effect change. Dr. Wilde is an associate professor in the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University and the author of the upcoming book, “Food Policy in the United States: An Introduction.”


Unknown said...

Dr. Wilde,
thank you very much for doing this blog. I have been working on food production, food access, and food policy issues for a few years now and have found the maze of information regarding the policy of the different cities, counties, states, and our country as a whole difficult to navigate. You have made finding information that I can use to help effect change here in Milwaukee much easier and much more accessible. I look forward to your upcoming book and wish you well on your food related endeavors.

- Andy D.

usfoodpolicy said...

Hey, thanks for the nice words. Keep up the good work in Milwaukee.