Monday, October 21, 2013

Some food stamp cuts take effect Nov. 1, and Congress is contemplating more cuts

On Nov. 1, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants will stop receiving a boost to their benefits.  The boost was implemented in 2009 as part of the federal government's response to the recession and financial crisis.

In addition, in Farm Bill legislation, Congress is considering proposals for moderate cuts ($4 billion over ten years in Senate legislation) and deep cuts ($40 billion over ten years in the House of Representatives).

I do not think any of these cuts are a good idea.  The economic recovery has not yet effectively reached the labor markets most important for low-income Americans.  Still, given the state of things in Washington, I am resigned to the end of the 2009 benefit boost, and to cuts of the magnitude proposed in the Senate, which are proportional to cuts being made to other Farm Bill programs.  I reserve the word "terrible" for the deeper cuts proposed in the House of Representatives, in part because of their magnitude, and in part because the proposals have been accompanied by intemperate language that seemed hateful toward the poor.

All these above points came out in an interview I had with NBC News online, published today. 


  1. its time someone looked at the food stamp program, sodas candy, pies ,cakes an ice cream are not necessary for anyones survival so go to gov. an check out the frauds that is if ya got the GUTS

  2. we just got an email from a viewer who saw a double coupon for EBT users at a farmers market. She was inspired and thanked us as she now got several farmers markets in her community in Wi. to offer a similar program. Healthy food for all. Find out more or share our story or support us at 'Meet The Farmer TV.'
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