Monday, February 29, 2016

Mississippi supports more nutritious snacks in school

The Mississippi Department of Education on February 18 approved new "Smart Snack" standards for schools.

According to a summary by the American Heart Association and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the new policies address snacks provided through school food service and also some types of competitive foods sold by others in school.
Grain-based products must be at least 50 percent whole-grain. Other products must have fruit, vegetable, dairy or protein as a first ingredient. Fewer than 35 percent of calories must be from fat, and the rules limit sodium, sugar, caffeine and total calories.

Junk food fundraisers — like doughnuts, pizza and candy — are also out the door in Mississippi. Almost all Mississippi voters, 97%, say that serving nutritious foods in schools is important to ensure that children are prepared to learn and do their best, while 79% think it is very important. With this support, Mississippi leaders reaffirmed nation leading standards to prohibit fundraisers selling unhealthy foods – such as doughnuts, pizzas, and candy bars.

639087 from Newswise on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Maddie Boreani4/13/2016 7:54 AM

    I comment Mississippi on their decision to take responsibility for the health of their children. Many States should follow in this innovative initiative. Although the National School Lunch Program, the National School Breakfast Program, the Special Milk Program, and the Summer Food Service Programs are all great starts to healthier children. Some students may still fall though the cracks. Corporate sponsorship in schools has been an issue that has contradicted healthy habits for too long. All of the food served in schools should benefit the health and nutritional education of American youth.
